Erin Stache conducting a lecture

Erin Stache

“When I started my Ph.D., I was debating between industry and academia. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do, so I left and worked in industry for a year at a local pharma company. Then I moved to California and was working at HRL Laboratories in Malibu in materials engineering for aerospace and automotive applications. Having that experience and the fantastic mentors there was what convinced me to come back and finish my Ph.D.”

Erin Stache

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Frick Chemistry Laboratory, 261
Department of Chemistry
Princeton, NJ 08544

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Postdoc. Cornell University
Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow
Advisor: Brett P. Fors
2018 – 2020
Ph.D. Colorado State University
Tomislav Rovis (Columbia University)
Abigail G. Doyle (Princeton University)
2015 – 2018
M.S. Colorado State University
Advisor: Eric M. Ferreira
2008 – 2011
B.S. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay 2004 – 2008


Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Princeton University
2023 – Present
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Cornell University
2020 – 2023
Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow
Cornell University
2018 – 2020
Graduate Research Assistant
Colorado State University
2015 – 2018
Visiting Graduate Student Research Assistant
Princeton University
2015 – 2018
Senior Development Engineer
HRL Laboratories
2013 – 2015

Honors & Awards

Bayer Foundation
Early Excellence in Science Award for Chemistry
NIH MIRA Early-Stage Investigator Award2023
Department of Energy Early Career Award2023
National Science Foundation CAREER Award2023
ACS Petroleum Research Fund
Doctoral New Investigator Grant
President’s Council of Cornell Women
Affinito-Stewart Grant Recipient
Thieme Chemistry Journal Award2021
Cornell Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow2018 – 2020
Bush Graduate Fellowship
(Colorado State University)